South Australia has no legislation in place governing Laser Hair Removal, anyone can set up a Laser Hair Removal business. In Western Australia Class 4 Medical Lasers can only be used by Doctors. In Queensland and Tasmania strict licensing is in place regarding who can perform laser hair removal.
Despite claims by some that Laser Hair Removal is relatively safe Lasers can cause serious harm when inappropriately used or performed by operators with little or no training or experience. The types of injuries that have occurred can be viewed below.
3rd Degree Burns from Going Over Tatoo 3rd Degree Burns from Going Over Tatoo
Underarm Burns Underarm Burns
Facial Burns Facial Burns
Hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation
Please click on words below to understand more about the identified risks associated with Laser Hair Removal and how Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley addresses these risks.
Untrained Operators
In South Australia anyone can set up a laser hair removal business. In many cases operators who have little or no background experience in laser hair removal purchase or hire machines where little, if any training is given. This has been identified as the greatest risk of inappropriate treatment and injury.
At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley we only perform Laser Hair Removal and only employ Nurses who by virtue of their background qualifications hold in the highest regard our clients health, safety, confidentiality and wellbeing. They must pass a Laser Safety Certificate Course and then, before being allowed to perform any treatments, must undergo three months of supervised training on our Lasers.
Ongoing Training
Ongoing training is always a problem in an unregulated environment where once a person knows the basics of how to operate a Laser the ongoing learning stops. The reality is that laser hair removal practices, technology and safety concerns change constantly and the only way to keep abreast of this is through ongoing training and education.
At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley ongoing training of our practice Nurses is vital to ensuring they are kept up to date with issues that arise over time. We also attend conferences locally and in the United States to ensure the highest standards of our practice is maintained.
Inappropriate Use
Laser Hair Removal devices have varied power settings that are used for treatments. Knowledge of how to use these machines and their settings is critical to provide effective results and ensure your safety. Incorrect setting of these machines by untrained or unskilled operators has been identified as a major cause of significant injury including burning and scarring. Another problem that has arisen is that some people are using machines that are designed for a multitude of uses and not specifically Laser Hair Removal. In this case we often find people simply do not receive the results they expect because the machine was designed to do a range of applications rather than just one.
At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay we only perform Laser Hair Removal and our Lasers, the Lumenis Lightsheer Diode Laser is specifically designed and proven as the gold standard in Laser Hair Removal.
Malfunctioning Equipment
Like any piece of equipment Lasers can malfunction from time to time. The cost of fixing problem lasers does not come cheap and for some the temptation to press on with treatment is tempting. Malfunctioning equipment can cause serious injury.
At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay our machines are serviced more regularly than what is required by the manufacturers to ensure highest performance.
Non Recognised and Cheap Lasers
Disturbingly over recent years a proliferation of cheap Lasers has been available in Australia and have been purchased by Beauty Therapists and Salons looking to extend their treatment services. Many of these machines can be purchased over the internet from Asian countries and come with all manner of claims as to their ability and multitude of uses. From our research many of these machines are not TGA (Theraputic Goods Association) approved or certified and often perform laser hair removal poorly.At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley we only use TGA approved and certified Lumenis Lightsheer Doide Laser considered to be the gold standard of Laser Hair Removal Machines.
Non Compliance by Client
Many people are not advised that prior to and after each treatment certain precautions must be observed. Exposure to sunlight on treated areas after treatment and not being on certain medications before or during treatment are all things to be considered. At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley our clients are fully consulted on the preparation required before treatment and what they should do or avoid following treatment. In certain cases where medications are being taken for your health our Nurses will advise you that treatment is either not possible or should be deferred.
Issues Not Disclosed by Client
Many people have medical issues they feel are not important to disclose when seeking to have Laser Hair Removal done. In many cases medications and pre-existing conditions may cause adverse effects as a result of having treatment.At Laser Hair Removal at the Bay and on Unley we require all clients to complete a confidential medical consultation form prior to being treated. Our Nurses will review your information and advise you if treatment is considered inappropriate. We do not treat people where we believe results will be not achieved.